How Do I Remove the Date and Author of a WordPress Post?

If you want to remove the date and author of a WordPress post, there are a few ways to do it. You can use the post editor to remove the date and author, or you can use the wp_delete_post function.

The post editor lets you remove the date and author by clicking on the Edit button and then clicking on the field marked “Date.” You can then type the date you want to remove, and WordPress will automatically replace it with the current date.

To remove the author from a post, you will first have to enter the post’s ID. You can find the post’s ID by clicking on the Publish button and then clicking on the Posts tab.

Under the Posts tab, you will see a list of all the posts in your blog. The post’s ID is the number that is next to the post’s name.

Once you have the post’s ID, you can use the wp_delete_post function to remove the author from the post. wp_delete_post will give you a message telling you how many posts are being deleted, and it will also remove the post from your blog.