How Do I Remove the Author Name From a WordPress Post?

Author name removal is a common task for bloggers and website owners. It can be helpful to hide the author name on a post so that it is not easy to track who wrote the content.

There are a few different ways to remove the author name from a WordPress post.

One way to remove the author name from a post is to use the _author_ field in the post’s database. To do this, go to the ‘Posts’ screen in WordPress, and click on the post you want to modify.

On the ‘ Details ‘ screen, scroll down to the ‘ _author_ ‘ field and enter the text you want to use as the author name. WordPress will replace the _author_ field with the text you entered.

Another way to remove the author name from a post is to use the ‘ Yoast SEO ‘ plugin. Yoast SEO allows you to remove the author name and other metadata from your posts. To use Yoast SEO, go to the ‘ SEO ‘ screen in WordPress, and click on the ‘ SEO Settings ‘ button. In the ‘ SEO Settings ‘ screen, click on the ‘ SEO ‘ tab, and then click on the ‘ Yoast SEO ‘ button.

In the ‘ Yoast SEO ‘ screen, click on the ‘ Edit ‘ button next to the ‘ Author Name ‘ field. In the ‘ Author Name ‘ screen, enter the text you want to use as the author name, and then click on the ‘ Save ‘ button. Yoast SEO will remove the author name from all of your posts.

The final way to remove the author name from a post is to use the ‘ wp_protect_post ‘ function. To use the ‘ wp_protect_post ‘ function, go to the ‘ functions.php ‘ file in your WordPress installation, and enter the following code:

wp_protect_post( ‘ author ‘, true );

This will remove the author name from all of your posts.