How Do I Post a Gallery in WordPress?

Adding a gallery to your WordPress website is easy. First, create a new post or page.

In the post or page content, include a link to a file containing images you want to include in the gallery. To create a gallery in WordPress, follow these steps:.

1. Click the “Gallery” menu item in the WordPress toolbar.

2. Click the “Add New” button.

3. In the “Gallery Type” drop-down menu, select “Image Gallery.”

4. In the “Gallery Location” drop-down menu, select the folder where you want the images to be stored.

5. In the “Image Files to Include” area, list the files you want to include in the gallery.

6. Click the “Create Gallery” button.

7. In the “Gallery Title” area, type a title for the gallery.

8. In the “Gallery Description” area, describe the gallery.

9. Click the “Publish” button.

The gallery is now available to view on your website. To add an image to the gallery, click the “Add New” button, and then select “Image Gallery” from the “Gallery Type” drop-down menu. In the “Image Files to Include” area, list the file you want to include.

Click the “Add New” button, and then select the file you want to add to the gallery. The image will be added to the gallery, and the gallery will be automatically published.