How Do I Move My WordPress Site to Staging to Live?

If you’re ready to move your WordPress site to the staging environment, there are a few things you’ll need to do first.

1. Activate the staging environment

To begin, you’ll need to activate the staging environment. To do this, go to the Settings page of your WordPress site, and under ” staging ” click the ” Activate staging ” button.

2. Change the site’s URL

Once the staging environment is activated, you’ll need to change your WordPress site’s URL. To do this, go to the Settings page of your WordPress site, and under ” URL ” click the ” Change site URL ” button.

3. Add the staging environment as a staging domain

Once your site’s URL has been changed, you’ll need to add the staging environment as a staging domain. To do this, go to the DNS settings page of your hosting provider, and add the staging environment’s IP address (or hostname) as a DNS record.

4. Change your site’s theme

To make the switch to the staging environment look as natural as possible, you’ll need to change your site’s theme. To do this, go to the Themes page of your WordPress site, and click the ” Add new theme ” button.

5. Activate the plugin repository

To make it easy to activate plugins in the staging environment, you’ll need to activate the plugin repository. To do this, go to the Plugins page of your WordPress site, and click the ” Activate plugin repository ” button.

6. Change your site’s title

Finally, to make the switch to the staging environment look official, you’ll need to change your site’s title. To do this, go to the Settings page of your WordPress site, and under ” title ” click the ” Change title ” button.

Once you’ve completed these steps, your WordPress site will be ready to move to the staging environment. Be sure to test your site in the staging environment before you make the final move to live.