How Do I Create a Free Form in WordPress?

Creating a free form in WordPress is relatively easy. First, you need to create a new post or page.

Once you have this created, you will need to add a form to this post or page. To do this, open the WordPress editor and locate the form element on the page. Once you have located this, you will need to add the following code to the form:.

form( ‘form-name’ , ‘#form-content’ );

The form-name parameter is the name of the form, while the form-content parameter is the content of the form. You can add as many form elements to a post or page as you like, and you can also add form fields to individual paragraphs within the content of your form.

When you are finished adding your form elements, you will need to save your post or page and preview it in your browser. If everything looks correct, you can then click the “Submit” button to submit your form data.