How Do I Move My WordPress Site to Amazon EC2?

If you’re considering moving your WordPress site to Amazon EC2, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure you have a valid AWS account and that you’re familiar with the basics of EC2.

Second, be sure to read the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) User Guide to understand the different types of resources and instances that are available. Finally, make sure you have a good understanding of the WordPress installation process and how to move your site to Amazon EC2.

Once you have these basics covered, the next step is to decide which type of instance you would like to use. There are three main types of instances that you can use with WordPress: t2.micro, t2.small, and m1.

small. Each has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to choose the right one for your site.

t2.micro instances are the smallest type of instance and are perfect for sites that don’t need a lot of resources.

They have a limited number of cores and memory, and they can’t handle very high traffic volumes.small instances are slightly larger than t2.micro instances and offer a bit more resources.

They have twice as many cores and memory as t2.micro instances, and they can handle a bit more traffic.

m1.small instances are the largest type of instance and are perfect for high-traffic sites.

They have more cores and memory than t2.small instances and can handle even more traffic.

Once you’ve decided on the type of instance you would like to use, you need to create a new instance. To do this, open the Amazon EC2 console and enter the following command:

AWS ec2 create-instance –instance-type t2.micro –locality us-east-1

This command will create a new t2.micro instance in the us-east-1 region.

You can use this instance to host your WordPress site.

To move your WordPress site to this new instance, you first need to install the WordPress plugin WP Migrate DB. To do this, head over to the WordPress plugin repository and install the WP Migrate DB plugin. After you’ve installed the plugin, enter the following command to start the migration process:

wp migrate

This command will connect to your current WordPress site and migrate the data to the new t2.micro instance.

The migration process will take a few minutes, and then your site will be online and ready to use.


Moving your WordPress site to Amazon EC2 is a simple process that can help you take advantage of the platform’s resources. Make sure you have a valid AWS account and a good understanding of the WordPress installation process before you begin, and be sure to read the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) User Guide to get started.