How Do I Install WordPress on AWS EC2?

AWS EC2 is an ideal platform for running WordPress because it offers high-performance instances with plenty of storage, and you can easily scale up or down your WordPress installation as needed. The following instructions show you how to install WordPress on an AWS EC2 instance using the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Command Line Interface. First, create an Amazon EC2 instance with the following parameters:

Instance Type: t2.micro

Instance Size: 1GB

Next, install the WordPress package on your new instance. To do this, use the following command:

AWS ec2 create-instance –instance-type t2.micro –size 1gb –region us-west-1 –public-ip-address YOUR_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS

The –public-ip-address parameter is required and should be the same as the public IP address of your EC2 instance. Finally, use the following command to launch your new WordPress instance:

AWS ec2 run-instances YOUR_INSTANCE_ID –region us-west-1 –instance-type t2.micro –size 1gb –public-ip-address YOUR_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS

You can now visit your newly created WordPress instance at http://YOUR_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS.WordPress.
