How Do I Make WordPress Featured Images Automatically?

Featured images are an important part of any WordPress site, and adding them can be a challenging task. There are a number of ways to add featured images automatically, but the most effective method depends on your site’s layout and content.

If your site has a more static layout, using a plugin like WP Smush It may be the best solution. WP Smush It will automatically resize and compress your images into a smaller file size, making them appear more prominent on your site.

If your site has a more dynamic layout, using a plugin like Gravity Forms to add featured images is a better option. Gravity Forms will allow you to add featured images from a variety of sources, including your WordPress posts, custom post types, and even custom taxonomies.

Once you have determined the best way to add featured images to your WordPress site, be sure to follow the guidelines outlined in the Codex: Featured Images article. This will ensure that your images appear properly and look their best on your site.