How Do I Make My WordPress Site Live Staging?

Making your WordPress site live staging is a great way to make sure your website is ready for public launch. There are a few steps you need to follow to make this happen:

1. Create a staging environment.

A staging environment is a replica of your live website that you can use to test changes before they are made to your live website. You’ll need a web host, a domain name (or account), and a WordPress site.

2. Set up your staging environment.

You’ll need to set up a WordPress site on your web host in the same domain as your live website. You’ll also need to set up a WordPress site with the same settings and content as your live website.

3. Make changes to your live website.

Changes you make to your live website in your staging environment will automatically be reflected on your staging website.

4. Test changes.

Testing changes is essential to ensuring that they are successful and that they don’t affect your live website. You can use the live website as a reference, or you can use a tool like WebPageTest to test changes on a large scale.

5. Make final changes to your live website.

If your changes are successful, you can make them to your live website.


Making your WordPress site live staging is a great way to make sure your website is ready for public launch. By following these steps, you’ll be able to test changes before they are made to your live website, and ensure that they are successful.