How Do I Make My WordPress Post Full Width?

Making a WordPress post full width is not difficult, but it does require a few steps. The first thing you will need to do is go to your post’s settings and under the General tab, select the “Width” option.

The Width setting will allow you to decide the width of your post.

Next, you will need to add a div element to your post. The div element will act as a wrapper for your post and will control the width of the post.

To add the div element, go to your post’s content and insert a

tag. The
tag will create a new column in your post and will control the width of the post.

Now, you will need to set the width of the div element to 100%. To do this, go to the CSS tab and add the following CSS code to your post:

.fullwidth {width: 100%;}

Now your WordPress post will be full width. You can add content to the

tag as you normally would, and the post will be automatically adjusted to the correct width.