How Do I Add a Featured Gallery in WordPress?

Adding a featured gallery in WordPress is relatively easy. Just go to the “Gallery” menu and select “Add New Gallery”.

You will then be prompted to enter a name for your gallery, select a location on your website for it, and set up some basic options.

Once your gallery is created, you will need to add some images to it. To do this, go to the “Galleries” menu and select “Upload a Gallery”.

You will then be prompted to upload your images. Once they are uploaded, you will need to set some basic options for your gallery.

The first option is “Display Order”. You can choose to display your images in either a “Date Added” or a “Date Modified” order.

The “Date Added” order will show the latest images first, while the “Date Modified” order will show the images that have been changed since the last time the gallery was displayed.

The next option is “Featured Image”. You can choose to have WordPress display the image that is currently displayed as the “Featured Image” for your gallery.

Alternatively, you can choose to have WordPress randomly choose an image to be the “Featured Image” for your gallery each time it is displayed.

The last option is “Gallery Width”. You can choose to have the gallery displayed in either a “Standard Width” or a “Wide Width” format.

The “Standard Width” format will display the images in a standard width column on your website, while the “Wide Width” format will display the images in a wider column on your website.

Once you have set these basic options, you can add your images to your gallery by clicking on the “Add Images” button. You will then be prompted to select the images that you want to add to your gallery.

Once you have added all of the images that you want to add to your gallery, you can click on the “Submit” button to finish adding your images to your gallery.