How Do I Make My WordPress Navigation Bar Sticky?

Creating a sticky navigation bar is a great way to keep your users on your site. And it’s easy to do in WordPress.

To create a sticky nav bar, first create a new custom post type called “Sticky Navigation”. Then, in the post edit screen, add a meta box to your post called “Sticky Navigation Description”.

In this meta box, you’ll want to include a brief description of your sticky nav bar. For example, you might say that your navigation bar is sticky and will stay at the top of the page even if users scroll down.

Now, in your posts and pages, you can include a nav bar item that includes a link to your sticky nav bar. Simply add a link to your meta box in the nav bar item’s description.

Your sticky nav bar will now stay at the top of the page, even if users scroll down. Thanks to the meta box in your posts and pages, you can easily create and manage a sticky nav bar.