How Do I Make My WordPress Post Sticky?

If you want your WordPress post to stay visible and in the reader’s mind, make sure to add one of these sticky buttons to your post.

Sticky Widgets are a great way to keep your readers engaged. They’ll never know they’re there until you want them to see it again.

There are a number of different ways to add a sticky widget to your WordPress post. Here are a few examples:

1. In the Gutenberg editor, select the post you want to add a sticky widget to.

2. Click the “Add Media” button.

3. Select the “Sticky” option from the “Type” dropdown.

4. Enter the title of the sticky widget in the “Title” text field.

5. In the “Description” field, provide a brief description of the sticky widget.

6. Click the “Create” button.

7. Click the “Sticky” button to add the sticky widget to your post.

8. Click the “Publish” button to save your post with the sticky widget.