How Do I Make My WordPress Header Image Responsive?

Making your WordPress header image responsive is easy if you have the right tools. There are many responsive image tools available, but I prefer Responsive Image Generator (RIG).

It’s easy to use and has a wide range of features.

To make your header image responsive, start by selecting a resolution for your image. RIG will resize the image to fit the size you choose.

You can also set a breakpoint to automatically resize the image below a certain size.

Once you have your resolution and breakpoint set, you need to set up RIG to use responsive images. To do this, open the RIG Settings page and click the Responsive Images tab.

Under theresponsive images section, click the Add New Image File button.

Select the resolution of your image and then click the Open button.

RIG will add the image to the responsive images list and set the src attribute to the URL of your image.

To make your header image responsive, all you need to do is set your src attribute to the URL of your responsive image.