How Do I Make My WordPress Elementor Responsive?

When designing your WordPress Elementor website, it is important to make sure it is responsive. Responsive design means that the site will adjust its layout to fit any size screen, be it a phone, tablet, or desktop.

There are a few things you can do to make your Elementor website responsive:

1. Use a Responsive Theme

One of the best ways to make your Elementor website responsive is to use a responsive theme. These themes will take care of most of the work for you, automatically adjusting the layout to match different screen sizes.

2. Use Media Queries

Another way to make your Elementor website responsive is to use media queries. These queries tell the website what size screen to use and how to display the content.

You can use media queries to make your Elementor website look good on both mobile and desktop devices.

3. Use a Responsive WordPress Plugin

If you don’t want to use a responsive theme or use media queries, you can use a responsive WordPress plugin. These plugins will take care of all the work for you, automatically adjusting the layout to match different screen sizes.


Making your Elementor website responsive is important if you want it to look good on all types of devices. Use a responsive theme, use media queries, or use a responsive WordPress plugin to make sure your website looks great on all types of screens.