How Do I Make My Header Stay Scrolling in WordPress?

Making your WordPress header stay scrolling can be difficult, but not impossible. There are a few different methods you can use, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The easiest way to make your header stay scrolling is to add a Scroll To Top button to it. This button will automatically scroll your content to the top every time someone clicks on it.

However, this method has two disadvantages. First, it can be hard to find and add a Scroll To Top button to your header.

Second, if your header gets too long, the button will become impossible to click on.

Another option is to add a permanent scrollbar to your header. This bar will stay at the bottom of your content, and users can drag it up to see the entire content. First, it can be difficult to add a scrollbar to your header.

Second, if your header gets too long, the bar will become impossible to drag up.

The final option is to use a fixed header size. This means that your header will always be the same size, no matter how much content is in it.

This is the easiest option, but it can also be the least user-friendly.

If you want to use a fixed header size, the best way to do it is to use a custom theme. This way, you can control everything about your header, from the size to the location.

However, if you want to use a custom header without using a custom theme, the easiest way to do it is to use a plugin. There are a number of plugins available that will let you control everything about your header, from the size to the location.

Overall, the best way to make your header stay scrolling is to use a combination of methods. Add a Scroll To Top button to help users scroll down quickly, use a permanent scrollbar if needed, and use a plugin to keep everything organized and easy to use.