How Do I Make an Open Graph in WordPress?

Making an open graph in WordPress is a fairly straightforward process. First, you will need to create a custom post type. This can be done by going to:


and adding the following line of code:

add_post_type( ‘opengraph’, ‘WordPress Open Graph’);

Next, you will need to create a custom taxonomy for your open graph. This can be done by going to:


add_term_taxonomy( ‘opengraph’, ‘WordPress Open Graph’);

Now, you will need to create a custom post type template. This can be done by going to:


opengraph_post_type = ‘WP_Post';

Finally, you will need to add the open graph meta data to your posts. This can be done by going to:


opengraph_meta_key = ‘OG_Title';

opengraph_meta_value = ‘Your Open Graph Title';


Making an open graph in WordPress is fairly straightforward. All you need is a custom post type and a custom taxonomy, and then you can add the meta data to your posts.