How Do I Make an Image Round in WordPress?

In WordPress, you can round an image by using the WP_Image_Rounder plugin. This plugin will round the corners of your image, making it look more professional.

To use it, simply add the following line to your WordPress theme’s functions.php file:.

add_plugins_to_theme( ‘WP_Image_Rounder’ );

Once the plugin is installed, you can round your image using the wp_image_rounder() function. The following parameters are available:

wp_image_rounder( $image, $radius, $width, $height );

$image : The image you want to round.

: The image you want to round. $radius : The radius of the round.

: The radius of the round. $width : The width of the round.

: The width of the round. $height : The height of the round.

For example, to round the image “foo.jpg” using the default settings, you would use the following code:

wp_image_rounder( ‘foo.jpg’, 10, 100, 50 );

The plugin also provides some helpful tips and tricks on its website. For example, you can use the $crop parameter to limit the round to a certain area of the image.

Additionally, you can use the $round parameter to specify how many rounds the image should be rounded.