How Do I Make an Image Fit in WordPress?

Image size and placement in WordPress can be tricky, as WordPress defaults to displaying images at a small size. Here are some tips to help you fit your images properly:

1. Size your images properly. When choosing a size for your images, consider their intended use.

For example, if your images are for a blog post, choose a size that will fit within the width of the post. If your images are for an image gallery or portfolio, choose a size that will look good on your page without being too large.

2. Place your images where you want them.

When you add an image to your post or page, WordPress will place it in the primary content area. You can move an image around by using the drag and drop feature or by using the “Align Left” and “Align Right” buttons in the post editor.

3. Use thumbnails.

If you want to use a thumbnail for your image, you’ll need to add a link to the image file in your post or page. You can add a thumbnail by clicking the “Add a Thumbnail” button in the post editor, or by using the “Thumbnail” link in the media library.

4. Use the media library.

The media library provides a centralized place to store your images and videos. You can add images and videos by clicking the “Add Media” button in the media library, or by using the “Media Library” link in the post editor.

5. Use the gallery.

The gallery provides a way to display multiple images and videos on one page. You can add images by clicking the “Add an Image” button in the gallery, or by using the “Add Image” link in the media library.

6. Use the post formats.

You can add images to your posts in a number of different formats, including text, video, and gallery. To add an image in one of these formats, click the “Add a Media” button in the post editor, or use the “Media” link in the media library.

7. Use the widget.

You can add images to your posts and pages by using the WordPress widget system. To add a widget, click the “Add a Widget” button in the sidebar, or use the “Widget” link in the post editor.

8. Use the short codes.

You can also add images to your posts and pages using the WordPress short codes. To add a short code, type it into the post or page editor, and press Enter.

9. Use the media library pagination.

You can use the media library pagination to display a list of your images and videos. To use pagination, add a pagination element to your post or page, and set the “Number of Items” field to the number of images or videos you want to display.

10. Use the HTML code.

You can also add images to your posts and pages using the HTML code. To add an image using HTML, insert the following code into your post or page: .