How Do I Make an Image a Carousel in WordPress?

In WordPress, you can create a carousel by adding the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

add_theme_support( ‘carousel’ );

Once you’ve added the carousel support, all you need to do is add a carousel widget to your site’s sidebar. To do this, locate the Widgets area in your WordPress admin area and drag and drop the carousel widget onto your site.

To add a new item to the carousel, simply click on the “plus” sign to the right of the carousel’s header and enter the name of the new item into the text field that appears. To change the order of the items in the carousel, simply click on the “arrows” icon next to the “plus” sign and select the order in which you want the items to appear.

Finally, to disable the carousel, simply click on the “x” icon next to the “plus” sign.