How Do I Post a Carousel on WordPress?

When creating a carousel on WordPress, the first step is to decide what type of carousel you would like to create. There are three main types of carousels: static, animated, and responsive.

Static carousels are exactly what they sound like – a collection of images that are displayed one after the other. These carousels can be created using the built-in WordPress carousel plugin or any of the many third-party carousel plugins available.

Animated carousels are similar to static carousels, but they allow you to add animations to the images as they are displayed. These animations can be simple, such as a transition between images, or more complex, such as a motion graphic that scrolls across the carousel.

Responsive carousels are perfect for websites that have a mobile audience. These carousels automatically resize based on the size of the device that is viewing them, so they look great no matter what device the user is using.

Once you have decided on the type of carousel you would like to create, the next step is to decide how you want the carousel to look. You can use the built-in WordPress carousel plugin or any of the many third-party carousel plugins available.

Once you have created your carousel, the last step is to add the carousel to your website. To do this, you will need to install the WordPress carousel plugin and activate it.

Once activated, you can add the carousel to any post or page using the WordPress carousel widget.


So there you have it – how to create a carousel on WordPress. Hopefully this guide has helped you get started on creating the perfect carousel for your website.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.