How Do I Make a Template Part in WordPress?

Making a template part in WordPress is a simple process. First, you will need to create a folder in your WordPress site where you will store your template files.

Inside of this folder, you will create a file called “template.php” and place the following code inside of it:.

Next, you will need to create a file called “header.php” and place the following code inside of it:

Next, you will need to create a file called “footer.php” and place the following code inside of it:

Now, you will need to create a file called “style.css” and place the following code inside of it:

/* Theme style sheet */ body { background-color: #fff; } a { color: #000; }

Now, you will need to create a file called “content.php” and place the following code inside of it:

Finally, you will need to create a file called “template.php” and place the following code inside of it:

When you create these files, you will have created a template part that you can use in your WordPress site. You can now use this part to create a custom template for your site.