How Do I Add Template Parts to WordPress?

In this article, we will be discussing how to add template parts to WordPress. Template parts are pieces of a WordPress theme or plugin that can be used to supplement or replace the default WordPress template.

Adding a template part is simple. You just need to locate the desired template part on the WordPress Theme or Plugin download page, and then upload it to your WordPress site.

Once you have uploaded the template part, you will need to add a few lines of code to your theme or plugin file. Here is a guide on how to do this:.

To add a template part to your theme or plugin, open the file in which you want to add the template part, and locate the following line of code:

After locating this line of code, add the following line of code immediately after it:

Now, you will need to locate the template part that you want to add to your theme or plugin. The template parts that are available on the WordPress Theme and Plugin download pages are listed below.

If you are adding a template part to a WordPress theme, you will need to locate the template part file on the theme download page. The theme download page is usually located at the following location:[theme name]/

If you are adding a template part to a WordPress plugin, you will need to locate the template part file on the plugin download page. The plugin download page is usually located at the following location:[plugin name]/

Once you have located the template part file, you will need to upload it to your WordPress site. To do this, click on the Upload File button located next to the file name. This will open the upload file dialog box. In this dialog box, you will need to specify the location of the template part file.

Click on the Browse button and locate the template part file that you have uploaded. After you have located the file, click on the Upload button and the template part will be added to your WordPress site.

The final step is to add a line of code to your theme or plugin file to enable the template part. To do this, locate the following line of code and add the following line of code immediately after it:

The final line of code will enable the template part and allow it to be used in your theme or plugin.

Congratulations! You have now added a template part to your WordPress site.