How Do I Make a Link Jump a WordPress Page?

Making a link jump a WordPress page is a simple process, but it can be challenging to do it effectively. There are a few different methods that you can use to accomplish this, but the best way to find out is to try different approaches and see what works best for you.

One common way to make a link jump a WordPress page is to use the rel=”nofollow” attribute. This will tell the browser not to follow the link, which will cause the page to jump to the next one in the list.

You can also use the nav_next and nav_prev buttons on the WordPress admin screen to move between pages.

Another method is to use the WordPress shortcode [jumpToPage]. This will take the user to the page specified by the page number parameter.

You can also use the wp_link_pages() function to link to specific pages in your WordPress site. This function takes a page ID as a parameter, and it will return a link to that page.

The final method is to use the WordPress loop function. This will loop through all of the pages in your WordPress site, and it will return a link to the first page in the loop.

You can use this link to jump to the specific page that you want.