How Do I Find the Slug Name in WordPress?

Slugging is the process of creating a custom name for a post or page in a WordPress blog or website. Once you have created a slug, you can use it to easily find the post or page you are looking for.

To create a slug in WordPress, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Posts page in your WordPress blog or website.

2. Click on the post or page you want to slug.

3. On the left-hand side of the post or page, under the headline, you will see a field called slug.

4. In the slug field, type in the custom name you want to give the post or page.

5. Click on the Save Changes button at the bottom of the post or page.

6. You now have your custom slug.

You can use it to easily find the post or page you are looking for in the future.

When creating a slug, it is important to remember to use a unique name. If you use the same slug for multiple posts or pages, WordPress will automatically create a category for each post or page using the slug as the category name.

This can lead to confusion and difficulty navigating your blog or website.

So, how do you find the slug for a post or page if you don’t remember it? WordPress has a search feature that you can use to find posts or pages with the same slug as the one you are looking for. You can also use the “Title: slug” filter in the WordPress admin area to find posts or pages with the same custom title as the one you are looking for.