How Do I Make a Coming Soon Page in WordPress Without Plugins?

Creating a coming soon page in WordPress without plugins can be a bit daunting, but there are some easy steps you can follow.

First, you’ll need to create a new page in your WordPress site. This can be done by going to your site’s admin area and clicking on Pages. From here, you’ll need to click on the Add New Page button and enter the following information:

Name: Coming Soon

Description: A page for announcing upcoming content on your site.

Once you’ve created this page, you’ll need to add a few pieces of content. This will include a title, a short description, and a list of upcoming posts.

You can add these items by clicking on the Add Media button and selecting either a title image or a blog post from your site.

Now, you’ll need to add a Coming Soon widget to your site. This can be done by going to Appearance > Widgets and selecting the Coming Soon widget from the list. You’ll then need to fill in the following information:

Title: Coming Soon

Widget Type: Page

Description: A widget for announcing upcoming content on your site.

Once you’ve added this widget, you’ll need to activate it. This can be done by clicking on the Activate button and entering the following code:

add_action( ‘init’, ‘activate_coming_soon_widget’ );

Now, you’re ready to start promoting your coming soon page! You can do this by adding a link to it in your blog posts, on your social media profiles, and more. The key is to make sure that your page is well-promoted so that your potential visitors know about it.