How Do I Know if My WordPress Site Is Single Post?

When you first create a WordPress site, you are given the option to create a single post or a blog. A blog is simply a collection of single posts, while a single post is a single page on your site.

If you are using a WordPress theme, chances are that it was designed with a blog in mind. All of the theme’s features and options will be available on a blog, while single posts will not have access to some of these features.

If you are using a custom WordPress theme, chances are that it was designed for a single post site. All of the theme’s features and options will be available on a single post, while blog features will not be available.

To check if your WordPress site is a single post site, open up your site’s admin panel and look for the “Posts” tab. You will see that a single post is the only type of post that is displayed.

If you have a blog, then you will see multiple posts listed under the “Posts” tab. .

If you want to create a single post on your WordPress site, you will need to first create a new post. Once you have created a new post, you will be able to see all of the theme’s features and options available to you.