How Do I Install Viglinks in WordPress?

In order to install Viglinks in WordPress, you will need to follow these steps:

First, create a new plugin in WordPress. Go to the Plugins section of your WordPress admin area, and click on the Add New Plugins button. In the Plugin Name field, type Viglinks, and in the Plugin Description field, type a brief description of what Viglinks is. Click on the Activate Plugin button. In the Viglinks Settings section, you will need to enter your Viglink affiliate ID. You can find this ID on your affiliate dashboard.

Next, you will need to enter the URL of your affiliate’s homepage. This is the URL where visitors will be directed to after clicking on your affiliate’s link in your content. Finally, you will need to enter the amount of affiliate commissions that you want to receive. Click on the Save Settings button.

Now that you have installed Viglinks in WordPress, you will need to add some content that will include links to your affiliate’s products. You can do this by adding a new post, or by editing an existing post.

In your content, you will need to include a URL to your affiliate’s homepage, as well as the commission percentage that you want to receive.

Once you have added your affiliate links and set the commission percentage, you are ready to start earning commissions!.