How Do I Create an Animated SVG in WordPress?

Creating an animated SVG in WordPress is a relatively easy process. First, create a new file in your WordPress theme and name it svg.

php. This file will contain the configuration settings for your animation.

Next, add the following lines of code to your svg.php file:

setAttribute(“width”, “600px”); $svg->setAttribute(“height”, “400px”); $svg->setAttribute(“viewBox”, “0 0 600 400″);

These lines of code will set the width, height, and viewBox properties of the SVG object. You can now begin to create your animation.

To start, add a basic rectangle to your svg.php file.

You can use any shape you want, but make sure that the rectangle is large enough to contain the entire animation.

Next, add a couple of circles to the rectangle. The circles should be positioned so that their centers overlap the top and bottom edges of the rectangle.

Finally, add an animation element to the svg.

This element will contain the actual animation code.

To create the animation, you will need to use the JavaScript animation API. To do this, add the following line of code to your svg.php file:

$svg->setAttribute(“animation”, “rotate(” . (int)time() . “deg)”);

This line of code will specify the name of the animation and the amount of rotation that should be applied to the circles. You can now save your svg.

php file and preview your animation online.

If everything looks correct, you can now upload your svg.php file to your WordPress blog.

To do this, click on the Upload Files link located in the WordPress admin area.

Once your svg.php file has been uploaded, you will need to create a new post.

In the post editor, click on the Add Media button located in the Media section.

Now, select your svg.php file from the list of files that appears and click on the Upload button.

Finally, you will need to add some additional markup to your post. To do this, add the following line of code to the end of your post:
