How Do I Install Letsencrypt on WordPress?

If you want to encrypt your WordPress website using the free and open source Let’s Encrypt certificate authority, there are a few simple steps you can follow.

First, you’ll need to install the Let’s Encrypt plugin. This plugin will take care of the certificate installation process for you.

Once the plugin is installed, you can follow the steps below to set up a new certificate.

To create a new certificate, you first need to create a new account at the Let’s Encrypt website.

Once you have created your account, you will need to provide some information about your website. This information includes the domain name, the name of your website, and the email address of the website owner.

Next, you will need to generate a new certificate request. This request needs to include the information you provided about your website, as well as the type of encryption you would like to use.

Once you have generated your certificate request, you will need to send it to the Let’s Encrypt website.

The Let’s Encrypt website will review your request and will then issue you a certificate if it is approved.

Once you have received your certificate, you can install it on your WordPress website. To do this, you first need to copy the certificate file to the correct location on your website.

Next, you will need to activate the certificate by adding the appropriate line to your website’s security setting.

Finally, you can start using the encrypted website.