How Do I Hide the Admin Menu in WordPress?

There are a few ways to hide the admin menu in WordPress, depending on your needs. You can either use a plugin, or you can use a hidden field in your theme.

Either way, the end result should be the same: the admin menu will be hidden from view.

To use a plugin, you can try the Admin Menu Hider plugin. This plugin will hide the admin menu automatically when you login to your WordPress site, and it also has a few other features, such as the ability to hide the menu permanently or to hide specific menus.

To use a hidden field, you can add a hidden field called “admin_menu” to your WordPress site. This field will contain a list of all the menus on your site, and you can choose which ones you want to show (or hide) by setting the value to “true” or “false.

” Note that this method is a little more complicated, but it’s also more flexible, since you can add or remove menus as you need them.