How Do I Temporarily Hide the Menu in WordPress?

There are a few ways to temporarily hide the WordPress menu. You can use the functions.

php file to hide the menu, or you can use the wp_menu() function to hide individual menu items.

To use the functions.php file to hide the menu, add the following line to your theme’s functions.php file:

define(‘WP_HIDE_MENU’, true);

To use the wp_menu() function to hide individual menu items, add the following line to your theme’s header.php file:

define(‘WP_HIDE_MENU_ITEMS’, true);

NOTE: You must also include the wp_head() function in your header.php file in order to use the WP_HIDE_MENU_ITEMS option.

To temporarily hide the WordPress menu, you can use the following code:

You can also use the hide_menu() function to hide the WordPress menu on a per-page basis. To use the hide_menu() function, add the following line to your theme’s functions.php file:

function hide_menu() { wp_hide_menu( ‘menu-top-level’ ); } add_action( ‘wp_hide_menu’, ‘hide_menu’ );.