How Do I Hide My WordPress Page From Google?

Hiding your WordPress site from Google is a bit more complicated than hiding other pages on your site. There are a few different ways to accomplish this, but the easiest way is to use a plugin.

There are several plugins that can help you hide your WordPress site from Google, but the best one is the Google Analytics Hiding Plugin.

Once you have installed the plugin, you will need to configure it. First, you will need to find your Google Analytics account ID. You can find this by going to Google Analytics and clicking on the “Accounts” tab.

Then, under “Account Type,” select “Website.” Finally, under “Website Data,” you will find your Google Analytics account ID.

Once you have found your Google Analytics account ID, you will need to enter it into the Google Analytics Hiding Plugin configuration screen. Next, you will need to choose which pages on your WordPress site to hide. To do this, click on the “Page Level” tab and then select the pages that you want to hide.

Finally, you will need to choose which Google Analytics tracking data to hide. To do this, click on the “Tracking Info” tab and select the data that you want to hide.

Now, your WordPress site will no longer be tracked by Google Analytics. If you ever want to track your site again, you will need to install the Google Analytics plugin and configure it again.