How Do I Get My Facebook Posts to Show Up on My WordPress Website?

If you’re using WordPress to publish your content on the web, you may want to consider using Facebook shares to help promote your content. Sharing your content on Facebook can help you reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your website. Here are a few steps you can take to make sure your Facebook posts show up on your WordPress website:

1. Add a Facebook share button to your posts.

This is easy to do. Just go to your posts page and click on the “Share This Post” button.

On the resulting popup, you’ll see a “Facebook” button. Click on this and you’ll be able to share your post with your Facebook friends.

2. Add a Facebook share link to your posts.

If you’d rather not use the “Share This Post” button, you can also add a Facebook share link directly to your posts. To do this, just hover your mouse over the post title and click on the “Share This Post” link that appears in the bottom left corner.

This will open the share popup with the Facebook share button already selected.

3. Enable Facebook Sharing on your WordPress website.

If you want your Facebook posts to automatically show up on your WordPress website, you’ll need to enable Facebook sharing on your website. To do this, go to your WordPress website’s settings page and click on the “Social” tab.

From here, you’ll need to click on the “Facebook” link and enable sharing.

4. Publish your Facebook posts.

Once you’ve enabled Facebook sharing and published your posts, your Facebook posts will automatically show up on your WordPress website.