How Do I Get Page Class in WordPress?

The Page Class is a new WordPress feature that allows you to create custom pages within the WordPress site. It’s a great way to create separate pages for your blog, or to use them as specific landing pages for your website.

To get started, first add a new folder to your WordPress site. Name it whatever you want, and then create a new file within it.

Name the file “page-class.php” and open it up in your favorite editor.

At the top of the file, you’ll need to include the following code:


Next, you’ll need to add a few definitions. The first is a unique identifier for your page class.

This will be used to identify the page within the WordPress site.

define(‘PAGE_CLASS’, ‘my-page-class’);

The second definition is for the WordPress theme. This will tell WordPress which template file to use to display the page.

define(‘THEME_CLASS’, ‘my-theme-class’);

The final definition is for the WordPress site. This tells WordPress where to find the page class file.

define(‘WP_SITE’, ‘’);

Now, you’ll need to add some code to create the page class. The first line of code will create a new instance of the Page Class class.


The next line will configure the page class. This line sets up some basic settings for the page class.


The next line will define some basic functions for the page class. These functions will be used to create the page, and to handle some common tasks for the page.

Page_Class::add_action(‘init’, array(

‘function’ => ‘page_class_setup’,

‘priority’ => ‘normal’,

‘disable_action’ => true


The final line of code will define the global functions for the page class. These functions will be used by all the code in the page class.


Now, you’ll need to add some code to create the page. The first line of code will create a new instance of the Page Class object.


The next line will create a new Page object. This Page object will be used to create the page.


The next line will create a new WordPress post. This post will be used to display the page.


The next line will create a new WordPress page. This page will be used to display the page.


The final line of code will display the page.



In this article, you’ve learned how to create a custom page within the WordPress site. You’ve also learned how to get the Page Class feature installed on your WordPress site, and how to use it to create a page class.