How Do I Add a Class to a Page in WordPress?

Adding a new class to a WordPress page is easy. Just go to the Pages section of your WordPress admin area, click on the page you want to add the class to, and click on the Classes tab.

Then, click on the Add New Class button.

In the newly opened Class Edit dialog, you’ll need to give the class a name and a description. The name is just for your records, so you can remember what the class does.

The description is what appears on the page when you highlight the class name in the page editor.

After you’ve filled out the Class Edit dialog, click on the Save Changes button. Now, when you highlight the class in the page editor, the class name and description will appear in the text box at the bottom of the editor.

You’re ready to start adding your class’s code to the page. Just click on the Code button and start writing your code.

When you’re done, click on the Save Changes button to save your changes to the page.

Finally, you’re ready to test your class. Just click on the Preview button to preview your class on the page.

If everything looks good, click on the Publish button to publish your changes to the page.

That’s all there is to it! You’ve added a new class to a WordPress page.