How Do I Get Image From URL in WordPress?

WP Smush Image Optimization is a plugin that allows users to optimize and compress images for faster loading times. This plugin is available in the WordPress Plugin Directory.

After installing the plugin, users can access the WP Smush Image Optimization settings page. From here, they can select the images they want to optimize and configure the plugin to optimize the images based on a variety of factors. .

Once the images have been optimized, they can be accessed through the WP Smush Image Optimization menu item. From here, users can view the optimized images, download them, and share them online.

The plugin also allows users to add descriptions and keywords to the images, which can help them rank higher in search engines.

Overall, WP Smush Image Optimization is a plugin that can help to optimize and compress images for faster loading times. It is available in the WordPress Plugin Directory, and after installing it, users can access the settings page to configure the plugin to optimize the images based on a variety of factors.