How Do I Get Background Image URL in WordPress?

Background images are a great way to add personality to your WordPress site. They can give your site a professional look and feel, and can help to create a memorable online presence.

There are a few different ways to get the background image URL in WordPress. You can use the wp_get_background_image() function to get the URL for the background image on your site.

You can also use the get_post_thumbnail() function to get the URL for the post’s thumbnail.

The wp_get_background_image() function takes two arguments: the ID of the post or page that you want the background image for, and the URL of the background image file. The get_post_thumbnail() function takes one argument: the ID of the post or page that you want the thumbnail for.

Once you have the URL for the background image or thumbnail, you can use that URL in your WordPress site’s CSS file or in a WordPress theme’s functions.php file.