How Do I Find the URL of a WordPress Upload?

Uploading a WordPress site to a hosting service can be a daunting task. Not only do you need to find the right host, but you need to find the right URL for your site.

To find the URL for your uploaded WordPress site, you’ll need to go to your hosting service’s control panel and find the “URL Manager.” Once you have the URL Manager open, you’ll need to find the “URL Settings” tab.

In the URL Settings tab, you’ll need to find the “Upload Site” section and click on it.

In the Upload Site section, you’ll need to find the “URL” field and enter the URL for your WordPress site. You can also find the “Directory” field and enter the name of the directory where your WordPress site is located.

You can also find the “Name” field and enter the name of your WordPress site.

Finally, you’ll need to find the “Location” field and enter the hostname or IP address for your WordPress site. Click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Once you have the URL for your WordPress site, you can use it to access your site. You can visit the URL in your web browser and log in to your WordPress site.