How Do I Find My WordPress Upload URL?

If you want to upload a new file to your WordPress blog, you’ll need to know its upload URL. The upload URL is a unique address that WordPress uses to track the file’s progress during the upload process. To find your upload URL, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your WordPress blog.

2. Click the “Posts” menu item in the main menu.

3. Click the “Upload” button on the right side of the “Posts” screen.

4. Click the “Upload Files” button on the left side of the “Upload Files” screen.

5. Click the “Browse” button on the right side of the “Upload Files” screen.

6. Navigate to the folder where you want to upload the file.

7. Select the file you want to upload.

8. Click the “Upload” button on the right side of the “Upload Files” screen.

9. Enter the upload URL in the “Upload URL” field.


If you’re having trouble finding your WordPress upload URL, there are a few things you can do to help. First, make sure you’re using the latest version of WordPress. If you’re using an older version of WordPress, your upload URL may look different. Second, make sure your web server is configured correctly.

The upload URL may not be visible if your web server is not configured correctly. Finally, make sure you’re using the correct path to your WordPress blog’s files. The upload URL may look different if you’re using a different path to your blog’s files.