How Do I Find the Taxonomy of a WordPress Post?

There are many ways to find the taxonomy of a WordPress post. One way is to use the WordPress post editor.

To find the taxonomy of a post, go to the post editor and click on the “Taxonomies” button in the top right corner. This will open the Taxonomies page, which will list all the taxonomies available to your blog.

To find the taxonomy of a specific post, you can also use the “Find” feature in the post editor. To use the “Find” feature, click on the “Find” button in the top right corner of the post editor, and then enter the name of the taxonomy you want to find the post in.

The post editor will then search through all the posts in the blog for the specified taxonomy.

If you don’t want to use the post editor to find the taxonomy of a post, you can also use the “Taxonomies” menu in the WordPress admin area. This menu will list all the available taxonomies, and you can then click on the taxonomy you want to find the post in.

The WordPress admin area will then list all the posts in the blog that have the specified taxonomy.