How Do I Change the Menu on My WordPress Mobile?

If you want to change the menu on your WordPress mobile app, there are a few different ways to go about it. You can use the Settings menu to change the main menu, the Appearance menu to change the main menu’s icons, or you can use the Customizer to change the main menu’s content.

The Settings menu is located in the top-left corner of the app, and it contains a few different options. You can change the main menu’s title, description, and icon.

You can also change the main menu’s position on the screen, and you can change the main menu’s color.

The Appearance menu is located in the top-right corner of the app, and it contains a few different options. You can change the main menu’s color, font, and size.

You can also change the main menu’s position on the screen, and you can change the main menu’s icons.

The Customizer is located in the bottom-left corner of the app, and it contains a few different options. You can change the main menu’s content, position, and icons.

You can also change the main menu’s color, font, and size.