How Do I Find the Category of a WordPress Post?

In order to find the category of a post, you can use the Categories function in the WordPress admin panel. To access the Categories function, go to the Posts section of the WordPress admin panel, and then click on the Categories link in the left-hand column.

When you click on the Categories link, the Categories screen will appear. On this screen, you will see a list of all of the posts in your blog.

Beneath each post, you will see a list of the category names that are associated with that post.

To find the category of a post, you can simply enter the category name that you want to find into the search field at the top of the screen. Once you have entered the category name, the Categories screen will list all of the posts in your blog that have that category as their primary category.

If you want to find the category of a post that does not have a specific category assigned to it, you can use the All Posts list on the Categories screen to find the post that you are looking for. This list will list all of the posts in your blog, regardless of the category that they are assigned to.