How Do I Find the Page Id in WordPress?

Finding the Page Id in WordPress

The Page Id in WordPress is a unique identifier that is assigned to every page in your WordPress blog. When you view your blog in the WordPress admin area, under the Pages heading, you will see the Page Id for each page.

If you want to find the Page Id for a specific page on your blog, you can use the wp_page_id function in your WordPress code. This function takes a page name as an input parameter and returns the Page Id for that page.

If you want to find the Page Id for all pages on your blog, you can use the wp_get_page_list function. This function takes no input parameters and returns a list of all the Page Ids for all the pages on your blog.

Finally, if you want to find the Page Id for a specific post on your blog, you can use the wp_get_post_id function. This function takes a post name as an input parameter and returns the Page Id for that post.