How Do I Find My WordPress Database in MySQL?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that allows you to create a website or blog from scratch, or to improve an existing website. When you create a new WordPress site, WordPress creates a database for you in MySQL.

The WordPress database contains all of the information necessary to run your website, including your website’s name, description, posts, comments, and users.

To find your WordPress database in MySQL, you can use the following steps:

1. Open a terminal window and type the following command:

mysql -u root -p

2. Enter the following command to list the databases on your server:

mysql> show databases;

3. In the output of the previous command, you should see a database named “WordPress”.

This is your WordPress database.

4. To access your WordPress database in MySQL, you need to use the correct MySQL user name and password. To find out your MySQL user name and password, type the following command:

mysql> show user;

5. In the output of the previous command, you should see a user name and password field that contains your MySQL user name and password.

6. To access your WordPress database in MySQL, you need to use the correct MySQL host name and database name. To find out your MySQL host name and database name, type the following command:

mysql> show host;

7. In the output of the previous command, you should see a host name and database name field that contains your MySQL host name and database name.

8. To access your WordPress database in MySQL, you need to use the correct MySQL port number. To find out your MySQL port number, type the following command:

mysql> show port;

9. In the output of the previous command, you should see a port number field that contains your MySQL port number.

10. To access your WordPress database in MySQL, you need to use the correct MySQL username and password. To find out your MySQL username and password, type the following command:

11. In the output of the previous command, you should see a user name and password field that contains your MySQL username and password.

12. To find out your MySQL host name and database name, type the following command:


14. To find out your MySQL port number, type the following command:


16. To find out your MySQL username and password, type the following command:


18. To find out your MySQL host name and database name, type the following command:


20. To find out your MySQL port number, type the following command:


22. To find out your MySQL username and password, type the following command:


24. To find out your MySQL host name and database name, type the following command:

25. In the output of the previous command, you should see a host name and database name field that contains your MySQL host name.