How Do I Find a Post by Tag on WordPress?

Finding posts by tag can be a difficult task on WordPress. There are a few ways to do it, but the easiest way is to use the search bar on the front page of WordPress.

com. Simply type in the tag you want to find posts about, and WordPress will return a list of posts that have been tagged with that term.

If you want to find posts that have been tagged with a specific phrase, you can use the WordPress search function with the “AND” keyword. For example, if you want to find posts that have been tagged with both “travel” and “food,” you would type “travel AND food.

” This will return a list of posts that have both the “travel” and “food” tags.

If you want to find posts that have been tagged with a specific term, but only if it appears in the post’s title, you can use the “OR” keyword. For example, if you want to find posts that have been tagged with either “travel” or “food,” you would type “travel OR food.

” This will return a list of posts that have either the “travel” or “food” tag, but not both.