How Do I Export My WordPress Site to Static?

If you are looking to export your WordPress site to a static website, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you will need to make sure that your WordPress site is properly configured and ready to be exported.

Second, you will need to choose a static hosting provider that can handle hosting a WordPress site as a static website. Finally, you will need to create a static website hosting account and configure it to host your WordPress site as a static website.

Once your WordPress site is ready to be exported, follow these steps to export your site to a static website:

1. Log into your WordPress site.

2. Click on the “Settings” link in the top right corner of the screen.

3. Under the “General” tab, find the “Pages” section and click on it.

4. On the “Pages” page, find the “Export” button and click on it.

5. On the “Export pages” screen, you will need to provide the name of your static website and select a destination for the exported files.

You can also choose to export all of the posts and pages on your WordPress site, or just selected pages and posts.

6. Click on the “Export” button to export your WordPress site to a static website.

7. Once the export process is complete, you will be redirected to the static website hosting provider’s home page.

Click on the “Website” button to open the exported website in your web browser.

8. Congratulations! Your WordPress site has been exported to a static website.