How Do I Edit the Footer Elementor in WordPress?

In order to edit the Footer Elementor in WordPress, you’ll first need to open the Footer Elementor plugin in your WordPress admin area. From there, you’ll be able to easily adjust the content and layout of your footer.

To add or remove content, simply click on the “Add New” button at the top of the Footer Elementor screen. You can then enter in your desired footer content into the text field, and then click on the “Save” button to save your changes.

If you’d like to change the layout of your footer, you can do so by clicking on the “Layout” button at the top of the Footer Elementor screen. From there, you can select between a few different footer layouts, or you can create your own custom layout.

Finally, if you’d like to add any custom footer images or logos, you can do so by clicking on the “Add New” button again, and then entering in the desired footer images or logos into the text field.

Once you’ve completed your edits, simply click on the “Save” button to save your changes. Congratulations, you’ve now updated your Footer Elementor in WordPress!.