How Do I Edit Footer in WordPress?

When you create a WordPress blog or website, you’re probably thinking about everything from the layout and design to the content and posts. But one thing you might not have considered is the footer.

Your footer is a great place to include important information like your blog’s name, contact information, and social media links. But you might not know how to edit your footer in WordPress.

In this article, we’ll show you how to add, edit, and delete your footer in WordPress.

How to Add a Footer in WordPress

To add a footer to your WordPress blog or website, first head to the Admin area and click on the Settings menu item. From the Settings menu, select General and then click on the Footer link.

In the Footer section of the General Settings screen, you’ll see two options for adding a footer:

You can add a footer by creating a new row in the Footer section of the WordPress Admin area and typing in your desired content.

section of the WordPress Admin area and typing in your desired content. You can use the built-in WordPress footer template to add a footer that looks similar to the one shown below.

To use the built-in WordPress footer template, first click on the Add New button and then select the Footer template option.

button and then select the Footer template option. The Footer template will appear in the Add New Footer Template dialog box.

Enter your desired content in the Footer text field and then click on the Ok button.

How to Edit a Footer in WordPress

If you need to change the content or layout of your footer, you can do so by editing the Footer row in the WordPress Admin area. To edit a footer row, first click on the row’s title to open the row’s content in a new window.

Once the content of the footer row is open, you can make any desired changes to the footer content. To save your changes, click on the Update button.

button. If you want to delete a footer row, first click on the row’s title to open the row’s content in a new window.

Then, click on the Delete button and confirm your decision by clicking on the Delete Footer Row button. Finally, click on the Update button to save your changes.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to add, edit, and delete your footer in WordPress. By using the tips and techniques outlined in this article, you’ll be able to create a footer that’s perfect for your blog or website.