How Do I Edit Images in WordPress Media Library?

Editing Images in WordPress Media Library

When you add an image to a post, page, or album in WordPress, WordPress automatically adds the image to the media library. You can then use the media library to add the image to a post, page, or album.

To add an image to a post, page, or album:

1. Click the post, page, or album where you want to add the image.

2. Click the images button.

3. Select the image you want to add.

4. Click the Add to Post button.

5. Enter the post title, or other text about the image.

6. Click the Publish button.

7. The image is added to the post, page, or album.

To remove an image from a post, page, or album:

1. Click the post, page, or album where you want to remove the image. Select the image you want to remove. Click the Remove from Post button. The image is removed from the post, page, or album.


In this article, we explained how to add and remove images from posts, pages, and albums in WordPress.